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Welcome back Year 1 and 2! Please see our topic web below for the Autumn term:


Art Week
This week, Woodpeckers have been enjoying art week. We have designed and created woodland dioramas to go with our 'Into the Woods' topic and finished our clay tree faces after analysing, designing and evaluating. We will celebrate at the end of the week with an open art exhibition for parents to enjoy.

Coronation Tea Party
Today in school we have been celebrating the King's coronation. We ended the day with an amazing tea party in our classroom. Thank you to all the generous families for your donations.

Woodpecker's Summer Term Topic Web:

Science Day!

Today we were lucky enough to be joined by lots of Scientists from Oxford University. We were able to do lots of amazing activities like designing our own vaccine, making DNA and made nervous systems from glitter.

Skateboarding Workshop

Today we had an amazing skateboarding workshop which the Woodpeckers loved! We learnt how to get on a skateboard, move, turn and even some tricks! The children used brilliant teamwork and encouragement and left feeling inspired and proud of themselves!

Spring Term Forest School

Woodpeckers and Owls did an amazing job in their nativity performances of The Bethlehem Star!

In DT this term, Woodpeckers have made superhero pouches. They designed them, cut the fabric, sewed them using a running stitch and glued their designs on. The final products turned out brilliantly!

Today it is Friendship Friday. We have had a lovely day in Woodpeckers celebrating. We wrote on leaves about a child in the class that we don’t usually play with - why they are a good friend - and we added them to our classroom tree. Owls class then joined us for some shared reading and we even enjoyed some biscuits because we tried so hard in our assessments.

We had the harvest festival at the church this morning. Woodpeckers learnt and performed a harvest poem brilliantly!

Forest School - Autumn Term

We had an amazing afternoon at St Mary’s Church taking part in the ‘Be Space’ activities. There were lots of engaging activities to do like ‘pipe cleaner people’ and ‘fizzy forgiveness’ which the children loved. We thought about what and who we’re grateful for, hopes for different countries around the world and how we can forgive others.

Woodpeckers have enjoyed a brilliant morning working with colour and different media in art.

Woodpeckers have had a brilliant start to year to year 2. They loved our PE lesson this morning where we were focusing on team work and catching skills.



Year 2 spelling list